Showing posts with label love books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love books. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Would You Rather" Book Tag

Yey for another book tag! 

Let's do it!

1. Rather read only a series or stand-alone books?
I rather read series because when I get attached to the characters and the plots I just can't help myself to be emotional and excited. Series tend to be more exciting than stand-alone books.

2.Rather read a book whose main character is male or female?
I always get hooked when the main character is a female. So I rather read a book whose main character is female, basically because I'm a girl.

3. Rather shop only at Barnes & Noble (or other actual bookstore) or Amazon?
Rather shop on a actual bookstore because its all in the experience walking around and getting your books in their shelf, (though I lived in a Philippines and Amazon shipping cost is so expensive.)

4. Rather all books become movies or tv shows?
Definitely TV shows! So I can watch my favorite books longer <3

5. Rather read 5 pages per day or read 5 books per week?
I rather read 5 books per week because I can't get myself on reading 5 pages per day! Seriously. 

6. Rather be a professional book reviewer or an author?
I rather be a book reviewer 'cause it is much easier than being an author.

7. Rather only read the same 20 books over and over or get to read a new book every 6 months?
This is so hard! I rather read the same 20 books over and over because reading a new book every 6 months is hell. I can't wait 6 months to read a new book. So yeah read the same 20 books especially if those books are my faves.

8. Rather be a librarian or own a book store?
Own a book store! Its like you can read any books you like for free and earn money! 

9. Rather only read your favorite genre or your favorite author?
This is so easy I rather read my favorite genre which is Fantasy because all my favorite authors are into the Fantasy genre. So yeah XD

10. Rather only read physical books or eBooks?
Physical books because the experience of reading physical books are not the same on ebooks.

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